looking to support?
There are expenses (administrative and living) that the Baileys incur by living in Costa Rica full-time and running this ministry, and rely on gifts and offerings from churches and individuals for our salary support. If you or your church would like to contribute to Costa Rica Mission Projects in that way, you are welcome to do so and we are grateful for your support. We love this ministry and hope to continue to serve the churches in Costa Rica for a very long time. Costa Rica Mission Projects received Non-Profit status in 2008, so you will get credit for any donations made to us.
Thank you to everyone who already supports this ministry. Your faithfulness, and God's faithfulness through you, is a comfort and affirmation for the two of us that cannot be measured. Without your prayers, hard work and financial support, this ministry would not be possible.
If you would like to make a contribution to our Salary Support, please contact us and we will get you the information that you need.
Thank you and God bless,
Wil & Yolanda Bailey